Saturday 9 April 2016

Nomoreloss kept many secrets – Brother

  • How would you describe your brother, Nomoreloss?


He was a selfless person. He was down-to-earth and that was the reason why he was not loud even though he was in the limelight. In order to be successful in the entertainment industry today, one has to be a bit vain but my late brother was none of that.

  • When the last time you saw him?

I was the last person to see him before he passed away.

  • Can you recollect your last conversation with him?

He spoke about his daughter and music. He loved both dearly. He always wanted his daughter to be happy and he cared about his music.

  • What do you remember about his last moments?

As a selfless person, he never wanted anyone to experience the pain he went through. He always called everybody to tell them he was fine, regardless of his condition. On his last night at the hospital, he made it clear to everyone that he was fine. In fact, he asked me to get him cranberry juice on my way to the hospital the following morning. When we got there in the morning, we were told he had passed on.

  • What was growing up with him like?

It was pretty difficult. We did everything together. He never took ‘no’ for an answer. He was not vain or flashy and could not pretend about anything. He was not interested in the flamboyance in the entertainment industry, he just wanted to sing.

  • Did you support him when he made known his intention to become a singer?

He came out to say he wanted to become a singer in the 90s. At that time, the entertainment industry had not experienced the growth it has witnessed today. Then in 1998, we used to gather at OJB Studios, with Tuface Idibia and other artistes. It was difficult when he ventured into the entertainment industry. I remember he wore my garment for his very first video. That was the kind of support I gave him. It went on until I broke away and delved into the corporate world.

  • Which of his legacies are you most proud of?

There are over 170 million people in Nigeria and I am proud that a lot of people know a guy like him lived and passed away.

  • Are there plans to immortalise him?

Definitely, we will make plans for that.

  • How much support have you received from his colleagues?

The support from them has been enormous. The artistes that turned out did not come because they were paid; everybody contributed based on the extent to which Nomoreloss impacted their lives. To me, he was my brother but he was also a brother to a lot of other people. The emotional support from them is also commendable.

  • How are your parents taking the loss?

My mum has passed away but my dad is alive. He is not taking it very easy, but what can we do. God knows the best.

  • Are you his only sibling?

No, I am not. He was my elder brother before he passed away, but I am the eldest now.

  • How does it feel assuming the responsibility of the eldest sibling in the family after your brother passed away?

The responsibility is not mine to assume but for God. I cannot say anything but we will be hopeful and be faithful and believe that God will take care of us.

  • In what ways did he impact your life?

He was everything to me. When we were growing up, he helped me with English Language and some proposals. Looking into his journals, one will find a lot of proposals and projects that are left undone.

  • Is there anything you could have done for him or said to him if he were alive?

The only regret and pain I have is that he kept so many secrets to himself.

  • How do you mean by secrets?

That is a mysterious thing I cannot explain right now. He was not very open. He kept telling everyone he was fine even at his last moments. His passing is still a big shock.

  • Were the both of you not close?

He lived with my family until he passed away but we were unaware of anything. I thank God for his life and I believe God has a purpose for him.

Source: Punch

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