Saturday 30 January 2016

Laila's Blog Finest Face Faceoff: Emeka VS Ajibola VS Abel

And TILB men keep heating up the system with their fineness. Check out our men of the day, guys - Emeka, Ajibola and Abel.



Hi Laila, I don't know when your Guys' Face contest kicks off, but let me send some of my photos. My name is Abel Valentine, graduate of University of Abuja. Discipline: Political science; I'm currently working with Etisalat Nigeria. (The lady standing by my side is my mother)

 Hello Laila, I'm a big fan of your blog although I do comment under anonymous. I want to compete for the faceoff.....Emeka David is my name, I'm from anambra, an undergraduate in Michael Okpara University.... Thanks

Attached to this email are my pictures, Laila. I'm contesting for this week's finest reader of the week ... My name is Awofade Ajibola , CEO of Pekode Trotters limited and single ... Phone number 080378588**
So, what do you think? Which of these awesome men is getting your vote today? See more photos below.

  • EMEKA:



  • ABEL:

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